Tony’s World Travels Website (Tony’s Websites)
© Tony Dyer 2004 - 2020  
China Taj Mahal, India Bermuda This page is still under Construction. Please return later Tasmania Singapore From the China Ship Research Centre in Wuxi near Shanghai Client Professor Wen-Yang Duan Exhibition at the dalian Techical University My client at the National Taiwan Ocean University Visiting the Snow Sculpture Park Clients at the Chinese Navy Marine Research Establishment Visiting the Forbidden City Tianeman Square in central Beijing Clients at the East China Institute In the Forbidden City at Beijing At Dalian in north eastern China With clients at the Dalian University of Technology
I    started    visiting    China    in    1995 shortly   after   I   left   the   navy.   My   wife Sue    and    I    travelled    to    Beijing    to see      the      Forbidden      City,     The Summer   Palace,   Tianiman   Square and   the   Great   Wall,   to   Xian   to   see the    Terracotta    Warriors,    and    to Guilin      to      see      the      amazing geography.       It       was       a       very memorable    first    visit    to    a    very      remarkable country. Later   I   visited   China   on   two   further occasions    on    business    trips,    to Shanghai,    Beijing,    Wuxi,    Wuhan, Harbin,     Tianjin     and     Zhenjiang. These     business     trips     were     an amazing      experience,      travelling sometimes      by      local      transport including       buses       and       trains, meeting    a    wide    variety    of    local people   and   in   between   work,   doing some    sightseeing.    What    a    great life experience?
My then wife Sue on the Great Wall of China Sue on the Great Wall of China